This certainly makes me think, and I agree that Dems can’t shirk their responsibility to, or support of, women in this situation. Reade should be allowed her say, but — like Blasey Ford, she needs to answer a lot of questions about her allegations in a formal setting. It cannot and should not be judged by the media.
As ever, it’s the person who makes an allegation who should substantiate it. Currently, she is talking about a complaint she made that not only didn’t mention the alleged assault, (which is very feasible), but that she didn’t keep a copy of it and doesn’t know where it went. Again, this could all be true, but you can’t allege something and then demand that the accused comes up with your proof. That’s not how it works.
Whether you think she lying, or that Biden is a groomer, is actually both sides of the same coin. No one really knows at this point what went on and what’s going on in their respective minds. We need a lot of questions answered by both parties.
And while we’re talking about supporting women who allege sexual assault, let’s hear from the twenty-plus women who have long accused the Republican candidate of similar. No, any defense of Biden should never be that Trump has (allegedly) assaulted more women, but to discuss Reade’s case in a vacuum is also to cherry pick which women we listen to.