“They just cant (sic) seem to feel as righteously indignant about the horribleness of the charge when it’s against their guy.”
You might have a point had not this happened already. Trump took four accusers of Clinton (Bill) to a debate with his wife, when he himself was accused of the same by twenty-plus women. We can go round and round on this all day but the hypocrisy of how women are treated started (in this cycle) with Trump. He was elected having bragged about grabbing women by the pussy for god’s sake. How’s that for ignoring what is politically inconvenient?
As for the left and #MeToo not wanting to investigate this — since when does someone alleging a crime hand the burden of proof over to the accused? And what is this article if not a comment?
Tara Reade should indeed be heard, and we should not attribute motive to her. However, that does not mean she shouldn’t have questions posed to her about the facts, and that does not mean this case is dealt with in a vacuum. If you support this accuser of a presidential candidate, you support them all.