Sorry if English isn’t your first language. Not sure how to make it clearer for you but my point (as I said before) is that women don’t seem to be able to have discussions among themselves without ‘men’ being inserted somehow — either directly (ie. What about the men?), or indirectly, as now. This is not my feelings, this is reported, experienced fact. The act of insertion into the conversation is a verb and an event, not made up and not just an opinion. And he we are again …..
As for ‘making people angry’ — I have another post about women not having to be ‘nice’ all the time, so perhaps have a read of that one and you’ll see where we’re coming from. Yes, asserting rights and talking about our experiences often makes people angry if they feel negatively impacted by it. Better get used to it.
By the way, since this is all deflection, this is the last response you’ll get from me.