Lovely piece and resonated with me on some levels. I became pregnant against the odds at 41, with kids age 9 and 7. Ironically I had sat on the fence about having a third for a few years and at about 37, decided not to because I 'didn't want to be running around after a toddler at 40'. So sure, have a baby at 41 instead! LOL
Abortion was presented as an option when my 9 week pregnancy was discovered. Sure, it would have been easier in some respects. Those years schlepping a baby to baseball, swimming and dance classes were extremely hard. I'd also just landed a publishing contract with a great publishing house. (Note to self - should have had more baby-sitting help). However, I knew I would never get over it, that it might damage my marriage, and that I wasn't the first to have a big age gap like this, or a surprise pregnancy.
No regrets at all, but I am forever grateful that I had the choice. Just because I didn't have one, doesn't mean I don't support the right to access safe and legal abortions.