Just to add — (from Rape Crisis Scotland, since they state it very well_ —
“Statistics purporting to record false allegations of rape often include cases which were ‘no crimed’. This conflation pushes up the figure for false allegations, skewing the picture significantly. The grounds under which a case may be ‘no-crimed’ do include false allegations, but there are other and complex factors which may also lead to this designation, and it is important that these are applied consistently. In some cases which are ‘no crimed’ no evidence was found of assault, often following a period of complete incapacity (for example through drink or drugs) on the part of the alleged victim, the initial suspicion either having been raised by them or by someone else on their behalf. A suspicion that something may have taken place is not the same thing as a false allegation, and the discovery to the contrary can be a cause of real relief among those raising that suspicion with the police. “