I can't quite believe what I've just read. It's Gaslighting 101, but let's go:
Using the term 'traditional values' doesn't make them right,or any less sexist.
Worried about the certainty of your offsrping? This is 2024, dude. Get a DNA test and stop slut-shaming women.
The idea of men wanting no body-count is being 'shamed and scorned'? No. The only thing that's being shamed and scorned in all of this is women - One quick look on social media tells you that.
Men's preferences are distatesful to women, and they're wrong when they are not applied equally to men. Which they are not.
The only cultural shaming here is by men, of women, and all the posturing about biology, cavemen and whatever the hell else you come up with, isn't fooling women.
Long and the short is that women have had enough of this sexist, controlling crap and they're saying No in ever-increasing numbers to it all. You can insist on a low body count all you want but the stats don't lie. In some countries the birth rate is falling to dramatic levels.
For a reason.