I agree with what you say but it’s not just the pain, which yes, there could have been a lot more done about. (Viagra, for example, was developed to treat cardiovascular problems, and along the way, they discovered it could have been great pain relief for uterine pain, but not much was done to develop it after the initial study by Penn State, and then well, we all know how it was marketed.)
It’s just about the general inconvenience that goes on for decades. If you’re not on the Pill, when are you going to start? How much protection should you carry with you ‘just in case’? If you had a heavy flow like me, no way was I going swimming. White jeans? It just went on and on, and yes, part of it was the stigma, but I wouldn’t want to deal with blood stained clothes no matter how the stain occurred.
Just would rather have given it all a miss!