Absolute BS. The IRS is not looking into the $750 he paid, because as any accountant will tell you (and as Tucker is at pains to stress), this is indeed standard practise when you previously post such colossal losses.
The question should have been - Why are we allowing someone to run our country who cannot keep his businesses in the black?
However, the IRS is looking into the $73 million abandonment write-off he took regarding his casinos. He was then supposed to walk away from his casinos, (a bit like he was supposed to divest himself of his business interests on becoming President, but I digress). He didn't. That's the questionable part.
And while yes, the tax code is ridiculously complicated and allows so-called millionaires to hand their fiscal responsibility over to fellow Americans, that is not the issue.
And Tucker Carlson banging on about the tax code, know it too.